The "Online Indexing of Sushruta Samhita" was completed as part of M.Phil. research submitted to
Special Center for Sanskrit Studies, JNU in 2011 by
Rajneesh Kumar Pandey (M.Phil 2009-2011) under the supervision of
Dr. Girish Nath Jha . The coding for the application was done by Dr. Girish Nath Jha.
This web-application has been developed using Java servlets on Apache Tomcat and RDBMS techniques using
MS SQL server 2005 in unicode. The application allows three kinds of searches -
Direct Search - user can enter key word in utf-8 and get all the references and details from Sushruta Samhita
Alphabetical search - user can click on a Devanagari alphabet to get the index of words beginning with that alphabet
Search by the structure of the text - user can click on "tantra" > "sthana" > "adhyayas" to get the index
Clicking on an indexed word will display the details for that word and also a facility to search that word in some other online lexical resources