The "Online MAnuscript Catalogue System (OMACS)" was completed as part of Ph.D research submitted to School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, JNU in 2018 on the topic Creating an Online Catalogue System for Science and Technology Manuscripts of Sanskrit: Issues and Challenges by Devendra Singh Rajput (Ph.D 2013-18) under the supervision of Prof. Girish Nath Jha and Dr Ravikesh. The coding for the application was done by Prof Girish Jha and Mr Gaurav Jha (a summer intern at the school)
The application is an online catalogue for S&T manuscripts of Sanskrit on the basis of available catalogues in different libraries and private collections available in India and deals with the issues and challenges in the design of OMACS. The application has been developed using Java servlets on Apache Tomcat and database techniques and has following functionalities -
Direct search: User can enter key word in utf-8
Alphabetical search: User can click on a Devanagari alphabet to get the index of words beginning with that alphabet
Targeted search : User can search a Mss title wise, author wise, repository wise etc.