Sanskrit Verb Analyzer (संस्कृत-तिङन्त-विश्लेषक)

The Sanskrit verb analyzer was as part of M.Phil. R&D by Muktanand Agrawal under the supervision of Dr. Girish Nath Jha to feed in various other applications. The data collection for regular forms was done by MA students and was refined by M.Phil/Ph.D. students working under Dr. Girish Nath Jha. Sudhir K Mishra played an important role in data collecting/correction for the regular forms. This work now also accounts for derived verbs as a result of the R&D done by Muktanand Agrawal.

Enter Sanskrit verb forms separated by space (विश्लेषण हेतु संस्कृत तिङन्त-पद दें) using adjacent keyboard OR You can type fast using our inbuilt iTRANS- Devanagari unicode converter OR cut & paste test data from here
