Sanskrit Hindi Dictionary

Author : Sweety Rani, Shashi Singh, Archana Tiwari and other MA students)
Center/School : Sanskrit Center, JNU
Course : Structure and History of Sanskrit Language, Special Center for Sanskrit Studies,J.N.U.
Semester/Year : Winter09
Under the supervision of : Dr. Girish Nath Jha

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Results for ' इत्येवं '

Base Word REF Category Headword Sandhi split POS Etymology Meaning
काकालः19986पुं*H1-NPका इत्येवं कलो यस्यपहाड़ी कौवा
काकलम्19987नपुं*H1-NPका इत्येवं कलो यस्यकण्ठमणि
काकलः19985पुं*H1-NPका इत्येवं कलो यस्यपहाड़ी कौवा