Ram Bichar Pandey

Ram Bichar Pandey

Research Scholar
Centre for Linguistics
School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Room No. 43, 25/26 Royal Deluxe Hostel
Christian Colony, Patel Chest
University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007
rambichar@yahoo.co.in or vidhuist@gmail.com

Research Interest: Historical Linguistics, Syntax, Language Typology, Cultural Studies.


Ph.D (Pursuing): "Inertia, Word Order and Case Marking Pattern in Magadhan Languages: A Diachronic Approach" from Centre for Linguistics, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
M.Phil (2008): Linguistics from Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi.
M.A. (2005): Linguistics from Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi.
B.A. (2003): Honours in Linguistics, from Sanskrit College, University of Calcutta.

Work Experience:

  • August 2006-March 2009: Worked as a Project Fellow under the DRS Programme of UGC in the Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi.
  • Have taught Hindi to Foreign Students (Korean) on several occasions, in the Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi.
  • Publications:

    1. "Problematizing the Unclassified Status of the Korean Language". 2007. In S.Narsimhan and Kim Do Young (eds). India and Korea : Bridging the gap. Manak Publication, New Delhi, p. 117-123.
    2. "The Karbis : A Peep into their Cultural Practices" (translation of Thesso Kropi's Karbi Vrat aur Tyohar, originally in Hindi). In Pattanaik, P.C., and Borah, D. (eds). Tribes of India : Identity, Culture and Lore. Angik Prakashan, Guahati, p.100-116.
    3. "Untying Wedlock: Separating Marker -ne from -le" 2011. Aligarh Journal of Linguistics Vol. 1.1: 96-106.

    Research Paper Presentations:

    1. "Markers -le vs -ne: Problematizing the Relationship" paper presented at the 28th All India Conference of Linguists 2-4 November, 2006 held at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
    2. "Untying Wedlock: Separating Marker -ne from -le" paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the South Asian Language Analysis (SALA) 19-21 December 2006 CIIL, Mysore.
    3. "Problematizing the Unclassified Status of the Korean Language" paper presented in the two days National Seminar on Indo-Korea Relations, organized by Researchers Association for the Study of Korea (RASK)19-28 Feb, 2007 Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi.
    4. "Part but not the Same: A Case of Brajboli Literature" paper presented in the Third National Seminar under the DRS Programme of UGC on Comparative Literary Studies in India and Problematics of Translation between India Languages 1-2 March, 2007 Department of MIL and LS, University of Delhi.
    5. "Inertial Theory, Diachronic Change and the Rise of Direct vs Oblique Cases in the Magadhan Languages" Paper presented in the Fourth International Students’ Conference of Linguistics in India, 17-20 February 2010, Dept. of Linguistics, Mumbai University.
    6. "Theory comes full Circle: The Distinction between E-Language vs I-Language and languages of the Past" Paper presented in National Seminar on Literature, Art and other Disciplines: Interrelationships, 25-26 March 2010, Under DRS (Phase II) Programme of UGC, Dept. of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, Delhi University.
    7. "Retention vs Dropping, Agentivity or Markedness: A Case of Gerundial Constructions in Hindi and Bhojpuri" Paper presented in the 5th Meeting of Students Conference of Linguistics in India, 21-23 February 2011, Centre of Linguistic and Translation Studies, University of Hyderabad.

    Seminar & Workshop Participation:

    1. Attended Joint Focus Group Meeting (NCERT) on the Teaching of Indian Languages and the Teaching of English, 2005.
    2. Participated in the Workshop on Preparation of Study Material for Under Graduate Course in Translation and Interpreting for Bengali, 28-30 March, 2007 Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi.
    3. Participated in the Workshop on Folk life and Fieldwork: a process of documentation and presentation, September 23rd- 27th 2008, Organized by Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, University of Delhi in Collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.
    4. Attended 9th Students Conference of Linguistics in India, March 14-15, 2015, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
    5. Participated in ROLLAND BARTHES: TODAY, HERE, An International Workshop at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. December 10-11, 2015.

    Award & Scholarship:

  • Selected for UGC NET, December 2004.
  • Obtained National Scholarship from the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India for higher position in merit in B. A. examination, 2003.
  • Languages Known: Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Bengali, Bhojpuri.

    Interests & Hobbies: Writing, Reading Literature, Translation.