Named Entity Regognizer for Sanskrit
संस्कृत नामपद परिचायक

The "Named Entity Recognition for Sanskrit: a hybrid approach" is a result of the research carried out by Sahin Kumar (Ph.D. 2007-2012) under the supervision of Dr. Girish Nath Jha for the award of Ph.D. degree. The Java wrappers for the application was done by Shiv Kaushik and the JSP interface was done by Dr Girish Nath Jha. The application takes simple Sanskrit prose and returns a POS tagged file with NEs tagged. Please send your feedback to Sachin Kumar at

Please enter short Sanskrit text with proper nouns (people, place names etc) using adjacent keyboard OR You can type fast using our inbuilt iTRANS- Devanagari unicode converter OR cut & paste test data from here