Description of Tags:

(A) Categories and Types (followed by their respective attributes):


(i) Noun (N)

            1.Common (NC)

            gender, number, case, nominal declension       

            2. Proper (NP)

            gender,number,case, nominal declension


(ii) Verb (V)

            number, person, tense\mood, honorificity


(iii) Pronoun (P)

            1.Pronominal (PPR)

            gender, number, person, case, nominal declension, emphatic, honorificity, distance

            2.Reflexive (PRF)

            gender,number,case, nominal declension

            3.Reciprocal (PRC)

            gender, number, case, nominal declension

            4.Relative (PRL)

            gender, number, person, case, nominal declension

            5.Wh (PWH)

            gender, number, person, case, nominal declension



(iv) Nominal Modifier (J)

            1.Adjective (JJ)

            gender, number, case, nominal declension, emphatic, negative, honorificity

            2.Quantifier (JQ)

            gender,number,case,nominal declension, numeral, emphatic, negative



(v) Demonstrative (D)

            1. Absolutive (DAB)

            gender, number, person, case, nominal declension, distance, honorificity

            2. Relative (DRL)

            gender, number, person, case, nominal declension, distance, honorificity

            3. Wh- (DWH)

            gender, number, person, case, nominal declension, distance, honorificity




(vi)Adverb (A)

            1. Manner (AMN)

            2. Location (ALC)



(vii) Participle (VB)

            1. Proper (VBP)

             gender, number, case, nominal declension       

            2. Gerundive (VBG)

             gender, number, case, nominal declension       



(viii) Particle (C)

            1. Coordinating (CCD)

            2. Subordinating (CSB)

            3. Classifier (CCL)

            4. Interjection (CIN)

            5. Negative (CNG)

            6. Emphatic (CEM)

            7.Other (CX)



(vii) Punctuation (PU)



(vii) Residual (RD)

        1.Foreign word (RDF)

        2.Symbol (RDS)

        3.Others (RDX)



(B) Attributes and their values :


1.Gender (Gen)

            a.Masculine (mas)

            b.Feminine (fem)

            c.Neuter (neu)


2. Number (Num)

            a. Singular (sg)

            b. Dual (du)

            c. Plural (pl)


3. Person (Per)

            a. First (1)

            b. Second (2)

            c. Third   (3)


4. Case (Cs)

            a.Nominative (nom)

            b.Accusative (acc)

            c.Instrumental (ins)

            d.Dative (dat)

            e.Ablative (abl)

            f.Genetive (gen)

            g.Locative (loc)

            h.Vocative (voc)


5. Nominal declension "vibhakti" (Vbh)

            a. Prathama (i)

            b. Dwitiya (ii)

            c. Tritiya (iii)

            d. Chaturthi (iv)

            e. Panchami (v)

            f. Shashthi (vi)

            g. Saptami (vii)

            h. Vocative (viii)


6. Tense/Mood (Tns/Mood)

            a. Present (prs)

            b. Aorist (aor)

            c. Imperfect (imprf)

            d. Perfect (prf)

            e. Periphrastic Future (phf)

            f. General Future (gft)

            g. Imperative (imp)

            h. Potential (pot)

            i. Benedictive (ben)

            j. Conditional (cnd)


7.Numeral (Nml)

            a.Ordinal (ord)

            b.Cardinal (crd)

            c.Non-numeral (nnm)


8. Distance (Dist)

            a. Proximal (prx)

            b. Distal (dst)



9.Emphatic (Emph)

            a. Yes  y

            b. No   n



10.Negative (Neg)

            a.Yes  y

            b.No   n



11. Honorificity (Hon)

            a. Yes  y

            b. No   n